I Survived Another Meeting . . .

We know this generation loves both pointless trophies and dripping sarcasm, but it might be a bit much to spend twenty bucks on chiselled irony. Thankfully, for a scant $3.50, you too can have one of these ribbons that reads “I survived another meeting that should have been an email.”

Frankly, we hope that pop artist Will Bryant makes a bunch more. Like a ribbon for people who show up thirty minutes late to a conference call and then can’t even answer the one question you had. Or co-workers too meek to dial your phone in case of an emergency and instead escalates to their boss, thus turning a five-minute problem into a company-wide catastrophe. Or for the client who emails you job details at 4:50PM on Friday with a Tuesday morning deadline. Hey, that’s one workday plus a bit, right?

We’re just spit-balling here.

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