Agency Survival Kits

Presentations. Overtime. Power outages. Three things that can ruin an otherwise stellar day at the office. So what’s a guy to do? Well, pick up an agency survival kit, by Phoenix. The power outage kit comes with cards, a harmonica, tea candles, wool socks, an LED flashlight, a book of matches, a thermal blanket, a classic Jack London book, and a badge to remind you to stay calm. The presentation kit comes with cedar pencils, presentation bow ties, a laser pointer, a USB key, hand sanitizer, anti-perspirant deodorant, moleskine notebooks, a book by Philippe Lebreton and Marie-Claude Nivoix about convincing people, and a badge to motivate you. The overtime kit comes with coffee, a flask, a mix tape, a stress ball, earphones, peanut butter energy bars, a book by Paul Wilson about keeping calm, and a badge that’ll stop people from pestering you. Actually, they should just sell those badges.

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