
Have a drain? Or several? That occasionally clog? And you hate the idea of pouring potentially harmful chemicals down the drain?

Yeah, us too. Fortunately, we have a boring but entirely practical solution (hey, everything we feature can’t be hot tub boat). What you need is a pressure washer for your sink: Drain-FX ($20). It fits on any faucet with a removable aerator, pressurizes your water, and lets you blast away most clogs. Have a clog that’s extra deep in your pipes somewhere? Boom, Drain-FX Plus ($40). This guy has fifteen feet of hose that’ll surely reach your problem. Don’t’ have a removable aerator? That’s okay, they also make a universal adaptor ($12). 

UPDATE: The good people at Drain-FX generously provided this coupon code for our readers: “DFX5SCL”. Why? Because they’re awesome.

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