Review: Sonicare DiamondClean

Quick, how do your teeth feel right now? Have some plaque? Bits stuck in there? Bit of pain? The slightly sour taste of . . . something you can’t put your finger on, but it shows up when you’re six hours past brushing? I remember all those things—but they’re pretty firmly in my past now that I’m using a Sonicare DiamondClean ($230).

Lots of people don’t realize that oral health is pretty important to overall health, which is one of the reasons you visit a doctor specializing in oral health regularly. What’s the fastest way to reduce your likelihood at suffering heart disease? Clean your teeth properly. No, really.

Serious stuff, demanding a serious toothbrush—and the Sonicare DiamondClean is as serious as they come. It has five modes. “Clean” is standard. “White” is for lifting surface stains. Coffee, tea, red wine—whether you worked late or had a fun night out, “white” has you covered. “Polish” is for making your pearly whites their pearliest. “Gum care” is actually pretty crucial—remember when you went to the dentist as a kid and he told you to brush your gums too? Yeah, wish we’d have listened to him. Finally, “sensitive” is a gentle motion, in case you have something tender or sore that still needs brushing, just not something vigorous. It’s actually a godsend if you, say, were to wipe out on your bike and want to make your oral health one of the things people don’t notice when they see your bruised mug. That may be coming from a true place.

Other fun stuff: fully rechargeable, comes in black and white, comes with a travel case, has illuminated display, and, most importantly, comes with a couple timers. Do you brush for the recommended full two minutes? No, you don’t. Trust me, that timer doesn’t lie.

Now the sticking point: price. Two hundred bones is a lot for a toothbrush, but let’s put it this way: a root canal costs fifteen hundred. Is there even a choice?

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