Gentlemen, we need not remind you, It’s the most commerce-ful time of the year. For the first twelve business days in December, DailyXy is publishing lists, lists and more lists, across all of our editorial categories. This month, whatever your beliefs, policies, opinions or budgets, you will be spending money, disproportionately; DailyXY’s job is to make sure you spend that money wisely.
The Guide overview below, eminently bookmark-able, will be updated with hotlinks as each list is published. Here’s to Holiday Heroism: High fives and/or humbugs all around.
DAY 1: Thursday, Dec. 1
Cocktail culture, by Wes Galloway
DAY 2: Friday, Dec. 2
Canadian music, by Kyle Carpenter
Wheel wares, by Steven Bochenek
DAY 3: Monday, Dec. 5
Graphic novels, by Eric Grant
DAY 4: Tuesday, Dec. 6
Food & cooking, by Chris McDonald
GoogleBait, by Chris Wright
DAY 5: Wednesday, Dec. 7
MENtertainment, by Matt Austin Sadowski
DAY 6: Thursday, Dec. 8
Uniquely Montreal, by Jack Allen
Uniquely Toronto, by Richard Trapunski
Uniquely Calgary, by Sean P. Young
Uniquely Vancouver, by Cassandra Anderton
DAY 7: Friday, Dec. 9
Him, by Russell Smith
DAY 8: Monday, Dec. 12
Tech, by John Spence
DAY 9: Tuesday, Dec. 13
Her, by Jowita Bydlowska
DAY 10: Wednesday, Dec. 14
Travel, by Tim Johnson
DAY 11: Thursday, Dec. 15
Books, by Ian Daffern
DAY 12: Friday, Dec. 16
Money, by James Miller
BONUS 13th DAY: Monday, Dec. 19
Editor’s picks, by Gary Butler
Image courtesy of jtjonesphotos.
Cocktails and not beer? I thought you were Canadian.