Does Beer Make You More Creative?

There may be scientific proof why the ad executives on “Mad Men” had a tipple or two during the work day—a beer buzz may boost creative juices. Austrian researchers from the University of Graz discovered that people with “mild alcohol intoxication” have the ability to improve their cognitive and creative … Read More

Forget The Eclipse, Watch a Huge Asteroid Pass Over Earth

The solar eclipse frenzy started a bit of a space obsession for many people. So, if you haven’t had your fill of the cosmos, you can watch a huge asteroid pass over Earth next month using a small telescope and possibly a pair of binoculars. The asteroid will resemble a … Read More

Paying More For Wine Makes It Taste Better

Researchers have proven what many oenophiles already knew—an expensive bottle of vino tastes better than less costly varieties. German researchers surveyed 30 individuals by showing them how much a bottle of wine cost before giving them a little bit to drink while their brains were being monitored in an MRI … Read More

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