World Food Day (#WFD2017)

  “Founded by the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1945.” World Food Day,” has been observed annually, every year on October 16TH, since 1981.” FAO has three main goals: “to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, the elimination of poverty, and the driving forward of economic … Read More

Filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro has created a Monster

Guillermo Del Toro, is a Mexican-American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, and novelist, who is passionate about film, specializing in the world of dark fantasy, tales of terror and contemporary crime thrillers. Last week, Del Toro was in town to promote his exhibition opening, in partnership with The AGO (Art Gallery of … Read More

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

“Stop the clock, I’ve got to slow down!” It is 6:30 am, you fly out of bed, shower, dress, gulp down a coffee and you’re out the door thirty minutes later. You can’t believe your luck, as you’ve found a parking spot two blocks from the subway station, where you … Read More

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