Doritos Ketchup Roses

What’s a Doritos Ketchup Rose?

Well, Doritos Ketchup Roses are a bouquet of 12 long-stem roses made with Doritos Ketchup tortilla chips as the flowers. And if you’ve never had any Doritos Ketchup chips, we have to wonder: what’s up with your priorities, man?

But why are they roses?

Well, Valentine’s Day is a little, shall we say, feminine. Men are supposed to make the day special for their significant other with flowers, chocolate, dinner and whatnot, and there isn’t really a go-to Valentine’s present for men. Hence roses you can eat.

But you promised a free giveaway?

We did. Today, Canadians in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal can order a dozen Doritos Ketchup Roses, with an accompanying bag of Doritos Ketchup tortilla chips. All you need to do is head on over to and enter your information. Then the roses get delivered on Valentine’s Day by a crack team of Doritos specialists.

Can’t this deal get any sweeter?

Yes it can. These tortilla chip bouquets are free, man. So maybe order right away.

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