Mixologist: Domori & Rum Hot Chocolate

We’re informed that this hot chocolate would pair well with a cigar; we’d go with a maduro.

Recipe courtesy of Giorgio Milos.


25 grams Domori Puertomar dark chocolate
1 oz. water
1 oz. white rum
Cold foam from skimmed milk
1/3 oz. vanilla syrup


Boil water and pour into a serving jug sat in large saucepan of boiling water in the jug, melt the chocolate in 1oz of hot water, and stir until melted completely. Add the white rum and stir well then pour it into a glass. Combine vanilla syrup and 3-4oz of cold skimmed milk and whip it using a milk-shaker (no milk-shaker option: use a Aerolatte or steam the milk with the espresso machine and use only the foam). Pour the foam over the chocolate.

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