Introducing the Budweiser Red Zeppelin

That’s right, when Team Canada scores a goal, we’re going to celebrate with so many red lights that electricity will be diverted from Europe so we can power our debauchery. And they say we take hockey too seriously.

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This isn’t a simple commercial, though: it’s a slightly more complicated full-scale ad campaign, given that Budweiser actually went and built the Red Zeppelin. It’s a seventy-foot long blimp (nerd alert: the difference between blimps and zeppelins) with a bunch of red LED lights slapped to it that’ll light up whenever one of our hockey teams scores a goal, because when Canada scores, we celebrate, dammit. Also, it’s touring Canada, starting in Ottawa on the 7th. You can check out their Facebook page for tour dates, and this video for instructions on how to make your very own Red Zepplin (legal notice: don’t do that).

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