Where to Fish in Toronto

Fishing within Toronto’s city limits may sound like a crocodiles-in-the-New-York-sewers kind of myth, but truth is, the GTA’s 50-odd waterways are positively, uh, swimming with fish. And get this: The Ministry of Natural Resources stocks more than 1.5 million fish every year, mostly within the Lake Ontario watershed.

Open Waters
At the shores of Lake Ontario, an adrenaline-rush fight with salmon and lake trout is only a boat ride away. In case your yacht’s in the shop, hook up with a charter company like Salmon Strike Sportfishing or Al’s Adventures.

Shore Lunch
If you don’t have your sea legs, then head to the reedy wetlands of Humber River Marsh in Humber Bay Park (Park Lawn Rd. and Lake Shore Blvd. W.), where white bass swim along with yellow and white perch. These latter two make for exceptionally good eating…if you’re willing to brave some light toxins.

Urban Oasis
The reservoir in G. Ross Lord Park (Finch Ave. W. and Dufferin St.) is one of Toronto’s largest bodies of water; head out on a canoe and angle for weighty (though inedible) bottom feeders like carp and bullhead. It’s by far the most relaxing thing you can do across the street from a strip mall.

Unlikely Angling
Toronto’s most surprising fishing spot may be the streams that run ditch-like through dense brush along the edges of Eglinton Flats (Jane St. and Eglinton Ave. W.); word has it that they’re home to largemouth bass and pike.

Image courtesy of LutheranKorean on Flickr.


1 thought on “Where to Fish in Toronto”

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