Dating Hot Single Moms

She’s hot, assertive, low-maintenance…and she’s got a kid. Meet the SMILF. Here’s a woman with a demanding schedule, partly because she’s got someone else in her life —  but it ain’t another man, and she won’t be text messaging you every two hours.

SMILFs, it turns out, are eminently dateable. Instead of worrying that your SMILF is looking at you as daddy material, consider this: Caring for a child is a lot of work. Maybe she just wants to have fun.

“Sometimes a single mother is just interested in sex without any romantic involvement,” says Meredith [a pseudonym], a former SMILF, now happily committed. “She has needs, and maybe doesn’t want anything serious since she has enough on her plate.” She’s also less likely to delude herself into believing things are more serious than they are: With a kid involved, she’ll need to be honest, with you and herself. She doesn’t have time for games.

If you’re serious, and decide that you want to take things to the next level, showing her you’re committed won’t be easy. Says Meredith, “If she is willing to alter her life — and the life of her kids — for someone, it’s a big leap!” A big leap indeed, for both of you.

Image courtesy of dhouston67 on Flickr.

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