Heated Stair Mat

Know what sucks? Snow on your steps. Know what defeats snow on your steps? Besides salt, sand, and fastidious shovelling? These Heated Stair Mats (starts at $50). One day, we hope that all stairs, sidewalks, and roads will be slightly heated or treated to repel snow in some way, but … Read More

Track N Go

Snow chains just not doing it for you? Well, here’s an upgrade: Track N Go ($25,000), a way to add tank treads to your truck in fifteen minutes. Basically, you slap ‘em on over your tires, and suddenly you’ll be able to off-road in the winter. Or navigate the city … Read More

Wooden Toboggan

Man, screw kids today and their wussy plastic sleds. What they need is a Wooden Toboggan ($300). Why? Because this bad boy is a classic of winter mayhem—steam bent boards, a seat pad, and enough room to fit eight feet and three hundred pounds of kids, or your drunk buddies. … Read More

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