The Winston Churchill’s Wristwatch

So, you’ve devoured all three volumes of the Last Lion and you’re ready to emulate your hero, eh? Well, assuming you’re already smoking cigars, dispensing bon mots, and wearing pink silk underwear (seriously, he did that), you might as well buy a replica LIP’s gold T18 ($213), which they presented to Churchill in 1948, thanking him for the liberation of France. It has a slender, classic art deco style that would go well with a bespoke suit; indeed, it would work well as signature detail.

LIP claims that the watch is now more popular with the ladies, perhaps owing to it’s slim stature, but any man with at least half a backbone could pull it off. Besides, guys who wear watches the size of Mini Cooper hubcaps look silly and walk in circles.

Speaking of amateur hour, LIP also makes their Winston Churchill replica T18 in chrome; what the hell is the point of a replica if you use a different metal, LIP?

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