How to Handle an Angry Girlfriend

You’ve really done it this time. Now, you might not know exactly what it is that you’ve done, but this much is clear: You’ve done it, and your lady is angry. Really, really angry. Like, say-the-wrong-thing-and-she-might-tear-you-apart-like-a-rag-doll angry. What to do? Keep your cool and find a strategy. Here, some tips for defusing this potentially explosive situation.

This is no time for pride. Defenses and explanations will only weaken your apology, so keep it simple.

Shut Up
Sometimes, some quiet time is all we need for tempers to cool. Don’t feel compelled to fill the silence; it can be golden.

Talk Again
Cooling down shouldn’t be mistaken for passive-aggression. Encourage us to air our grievances (without argument from you). The problem will be out in the open, we’ll get the satisfaction of being heard, and you might learn something.

Stop Her
Do not let our monologue go on too long. Women have the uncanny ability to talk a small issue into a much bigger one. Indulge this and we’re both doomed to a long night.

Hold Her
Once we’ve vented, change the tone with the simple goodness of physical affection. Ignore the “danger” sign above our heads. Sometimes, all we really need is a little TLC.

You’ve been biting your tongue, but you’ve got legitimate grievances or defenses, too. Don’t worry: We haven’t forgotten about you. After cooling down, we’ll be happy to revisit things, and we’ll remember how well you kept your cool, even as we lost ours altogether. And then we will make up, and it will be good. Very, very good.

Image courtesy of *Zara.


3 thoughts on “How to Handle an Angry Girlfriend”

  1. Really? How about if you get angry for no reason, WE get angry for no reason and see how YOU like it? I see no justification for excusing bad irrational behaviour. If a girlfriend of mine did that,. I would more than likely walk out and wait for her to call when she recognized she was wrong.

    And if she didn’t, the relationship would be in serious trouble.
    If a guy can’t get away with bad behaviour, neither should the girl.

  2. have had agirlfriend for 6 mo. and i really care about her. The sex is great but she moved in with me with her son who is currently under charges which may result in a felony.She says i get to upset about little things like her constant anal bickering and she never listens to anyone elses side.Very opionated and everything in its place ,has to be her way.Other day she got really mad because i walked home from a bar after one drink because i had heard enough and she came home screaming obsenities,now she thinks she should leave and is just being a ass.I am upset and i am not sure whAT TO DO.

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