GE Focus Forward is a film series devoted to showcasing three-minute films about people who are changing the word with ideas, inventions, and actions, directed by the world’s best documentary filmmakers.
The Contenders
How using online games can solve real-world problems.
The Secret of Trees
Trees use a mathematical formula to gather sunlight in shady forests, and that might have implications for solar energy.
You Don’t Know Jack
What did you do when you were a high school sophomore? This kid developed a revolutionary test for pancreatic cancer.
How to plug Pakistan’s most disenfranchised into the internet.
The Cleanest Pig
Pulling insulin-producing cells from pigs.
Fire with Fire
How do you fight cancer? How about with the HIV virus?
Panmela Castro
Promoting feminism through graffiti.
In Your Head
Controlling chronic pain with mindfulness meditation and virtual reality.
The Music Man
Ge Wang is the founder of the Stanford Laptop Orchestra and creator of the Ocarina iPhone app.
Monitors and screens are everywhere, but what if we could compute without them?