Red and Blue Art

Blue And Red Paintings Make More Money At Auctions, Study Finds

Many factors contribute to a painting’s value, including the artist, the subject, and the history of the artwork. Colour is also important. A new study finds that abstract paintings dominated by blues and reds sell for significantly more money at auction than paintings made with other colours. The findings were … Read More

LinkedIn app

New LinkedIn Salary Tool Could Make You More Money

Are you thinking about furthering your career by finding a new job? Whatever your motivation is for moving on, LinkedIn has created a new tool that could potentially help you earn more money. Salary is one of the biggest factors in job seeking. It’s the number-one career motivator and one … Read More


Volvo To Limit Its Vehicles’ Speed To 112 MPH

To keep people safer on the road, Volvo Cars is limiting the top speed on all of its cars to 112 mph starting next year. Model year 2021 vehicles will be the first to include the new feature. The car manufacturer has an ambitious goal of zero deaths and no … Read More

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