Vintages of the Freezer Aisle
If you love wine and love ice cream, mixing them together must be a great idea. Right? Right? [Wine Ice Creams USA]
If you love wine and love ice cream, mixing them together must be a great idea. Right? Right? [Wine Ice Creams USA]
We aren’t talking about Iran’s stupid flying boats, we’re talking about the new nautical mile world record and a top speed of 64.78 knots. In a sailboat. The Olympics could learn a thing or two from these guys. [youtube width=”720″][/youtube]
Perhaps regrettably, this video is safer for work than you’d like. [youtube width=”720″][/youtube]
We don’t care how many likes your brunch has, that amaro filter makes every meal look like terrifying leprechaun crap. #notasgoodastheotherinstagramsong