MMA Nightmare: Bikini Edition

Usually, we make a woman buy us dinner before we submit to her in a no-holds-barred cage match. But for you, six-foot-four two hundred pound relic of the Amazon, we’ll make an exception. [youtube width=”599″][/youtube]

Thanksgiving, Or Whatever

Intimate knowledge of Instagram etiquette, mixology and terrible fashion? Gasp! Looks like we’ve got another hipster-created hipster parody video. It’s like looking into a sepia-filtered Escher painting. [youtube width=”599″][/youtube]

Penny For Your Floor

This tattoo shop tiled their floor in pennies. Friends who donated time to complete the 300-hour project will receive a free “penny” tattoo as a constant reminder of their hard work, dedication and sporadic employment. [youtube width=”720″][/youtube]

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