Mixologist: Reserve Jamaican Hot Buttered Rum

The best thing about making this cocktail is that you’ll have a lot of base left over, which only causes you to drink more hot buttered rum.

Cocktail Base Ingredients

1 lb. brown sugar
1/2 lb. butter
pinch of salt
4 oz. apple cider
1/2 oz. fresh extracted ginger juice
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. allspice


Blend the above ingredients and bring to a boil before removing from the heat. Then leave alone to cool and store in refrigerator.

Individual Cocktail Ingredients

2 heaping tbsp. of the above cocktail base.
2 oz. Appleton Estate Reserve
hot water


Combine base and rum in a mug, top up with hot water and stir.

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