Montreal’s Spiciest Dishes

As winter approaches, we’ll take the heat wherever we can get it. Here, five of the city’s finest, spiciest dishes to deliver from cold days ahead.

Caribbean Curry House
The masala dosa at Caribbean Curry House is Caribbean-Trinidadian-Jamaican dynamite. Meat lovers will go for the fiery, mind-blowingly tender goat version of this crepe. 6892 Victoria, 514-733-0828.

Le Piton de la Fournaise
This resto, named, promisingly, after a volcano, is Montreal’s only spot serving up spicy delights from the Reunion Islands. Sample a dish with real bite: shark curry. A citrus-based sauce adds complex flavours to the flesh, and hot sauce – in lemon, eggplant or tomato flavours – adds punch. 835 Duluth Ave. E., 514-526-3936.

Itsi Bitsi
Satisfy your sweet tooth with the spiciest offerings at Itsi Bitsi, a hip Little Burgundy cupcake store. Their curried rice-crispies marshmallow balls are a surprisingly hot and tasty riff on the classic after-school snack. 2621 Notre-Dame St. W., 514-509-3926.

The chili chicken at Jolee, a Sri Lankan restaurant in Côte-des-Neiges, goes for the burn. Bonus: Bollywood movies loop on the TV as you chow down. 5495 Victoria Ave., 514-733-6362.

Cremerie Meu Meu
People flock year-round to this Plateau hotspot (coldspot?) for the wide array (120 flavours) of homemade and often organic ice creams and sorbets. The curried ice cream is sweet and spicy, simultaneously freezing the mouth and warming the soul. 4458 St. Denis St., 514-288-5889.

Have we missed a spicy delight? Let us know by commenting on this story.

Image courtesy of Paul Goyette on Flickr.

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