Survey Shows Big Differences Between iPhone & Android Users

Android and iPhone users have very different habits, according to a new survey conducted by OnePoll for the deal alert website SlickDeals. The self-reported survey covered a range of topics, including the amount of money spent on tech gear, clothing and makeup; the number of selfies taken, and overall levels of happiness.

Participants consisted of approximately 1,000 Android users and 1,000 iPhone users in the United States, (as reported by Slash Gear). The average self-reported salary of users was $53,251 (iPhone) and $37,040 (Android).

The survey revealed that iPhone users spend twice as much on tech per month ($100.88 vs. $50.83). iPhone users also text twice as much as their Android counterparts (58 texts vs. 26 texts per day). The survey did not take into consideration other messaging options, such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

iPhone users report spending more time looking at their phone each day—an average of four hours and 54 minutes compared to three hours and 42 minutes for Android users.

As for selfies, iPhone users report taking 12 a day, while Android users admit to taking just seven a day. An ideal weekend night for iPhone users is hanging out with friends, while Android users prefer staying home and watching TV or reading.

iPhone users report taking four leisure trips a year, while Android users take three. iPhone users claim to have five close friends, and Android users reported three.

The survey also questioned participants about their animal preference—50 percent of iPhone users prefer dogs, 19 percent prefer cats, and 31 percent have no preference. Similarly, 44 percent of Android users prefer dogs, 26 prefer cats, and 30 percent have no preference.

Top TV shows for iPhone users include Game of Thrones, Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, and the Walking Dead. In contrast, Android users like NCIS, Law & Order, and SNL. iPhone users like horror, drama, and romance, while Android users like thriller, action and adventure films.

What kind of conclusions can be extrapolated from the survey? iPhone users appear to spend more money on tech, clothing, and other products, but they also have higher salaries. Android users, meanwhile, either is more cost-conscious or tend to be lower income based. Are iPhone users more extroverted and phone obsessed? (They text more and prefer to go out rather than stay in.) Since the research was nonscientific and based entirely on self-reported information, conclusions about people’s habits are entertaining but not necessarily accurate.

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