Canada’s Most Deadly Jobs

Feel like dying every time you step into the office? A chart about the deadliest jobs in America, from NPR’s Planet Money is making the rounds to remind you that things could be much worse. Probably.


Fishermen have the toughest lot in life, with 121.2 deaths per 100,000 workers in 2011. Also on the deadly side are loggers, pilots, farmers and ranchers, police officers, and construction workers.

Despite what charity calendars would lead you to believe, firemen are below the national average. The safest workers are the suits securely ensconced in the towers of business and finance.

How does Canada compare?

A study, grimly titled “Five Deaths a Day”, examined workplace safety from 1993-2005 with similar findings:

Mining, quarrying, and oil wells – 49.9 deaths per 100,000

Tarragon Theatre no-great-mischief

Logging and forestry – 42.9 deaths per 100,000


Fishing and trapping – 35.6 deaths per 100,000


Agriculture – 28.1 deaths per 100,000



Construction – 20.6 deaths per 100,000



And the least dangerous industry?


Finance and insurance – 0.2 deaths per 100,000


Dying on the Job: 5 “Fun” Facts

1. Men are much more likely (as in 30 times more likely) to die on the job than women.

2. Older workers are more at risk than younger workers.

3. The fatality rate is much higher in the territories than in the provinces.

4. Of all the provinces, Newfoundland is the most dangerous.

5. Asbestos-related deaths accounted for 31 per cent of total workplace fatalities.

Wait, did we write fun facts? We meant terrible facts.

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