10 Ways You’re an Amazing Guy

Let me keep it short: Great job, guys. I know it sometimes seems like we, women, see you, men, as these proverbial big dumb dogs that need to be trained on everything – from prevention of roaming eyes to making appropriate bed noises to mind reading. It’s as if in order to properly hook up, date and break up, you need at least a Ph.D in shamanism — but even if you get one, everything can change just like that because you did or didn’t pay for dinner, didn’t call to wish us good-night, looked at the waitress twice, looked at porn on your computer, said things and meant them or meant things but didn’t say them.

Listen, we know it’s hard. And you’re clearly trying because you’re reading this and want to find out more. In fact, this gesture –you, reading relationship advice from a woman, which is completely against your genetic makeup — is just one of the many things that make you an amazing guy. Here are nine more:

  • You call. Or text. There are men who never do, unless they want something. You, too, want that thing but that’s not all that you want. So you call and we appreciate that.
  • You cook us dinner, or at least try to.
  • You have fun ideas and we don’t mind if you’re not quite yet able to fly us to Vegas the way the Bachelor man on the television can. Really, a picnic in the park is simple and lovely and perfect.
  • At a restaurant, you try hard to force your eyeballs to stay in place. (And even if you fail, we understand that when you look at other women, it actually means that you appreciate women, so we all win.)
  • We have sex and it’s about both of us, not just you.
  • You celebrate our birthdays.
  • You do laundry. No, not ours, yours.
  • Like an online banking security questionnaire, you somehow remember the name of our first pet.
  • You tell us that we look good and tell us we look good and tell us we look good. Trust me, at least 10 per cent of the time, we hear it.

There are many more wonderful gestures and acts that you do (to get in our pants) and we don’t want you to think that we don’t notice. We do, and it’s awesome that you do those things. So keep at it — and thanks!

Image courtesy of Fonzie’s cousin.


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