
This footage is a live performance, captured on camera. It combines advanced robotics, projection mapping, and digital engineering; essentially, it’s modern day smoke and mirrors. Here’s how they made it. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

How to Furnish a 182 Square Foot Apartment

Meet Steve Sauer. He’s an engineer at Boeing, he drives a Smart Car, and he lives in an apartment half the size of most people’s garage. How? Careful design, thousands of hours of machining, and materials that range from the mundane (like Ikea butcher blocks) to the exotic (like a … Read More

Hey Mario!

Normally we can’t stand pop-punk, but it seems strangely appealing when it’s coming from Patent Pending, and it doesn’t hurt that they’re singing about our favourite mushroom-addled plumber.   [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

This is a test