The Power of Bitterness

Know who’s sick of puff pieces about motivation and being happy at work? Joe Ippolito, Yahoo strategist, who writes in Fast Company. “These sorts of rah-rah guides to self-actualization seem to be a bit of a trend in entrepreneurship articles of late. I’m not sure when it started exactly, but … Read More

Token Assistance

Passive-aggressive people dump job applications on panhandlers. For people who aren’t jerks, Vancouver’s Save on Meats now has delicious meal tokens. Well, the tokens themselves aren’t delicious, but you know what we mean. [Yahoo!]

Psy Moves to Gangnam

The lesson for aspiring musicians trying to make it in this new media landscape? Rack up enough views on YouTube and you, too, can be the face of well-made Korean refrigerators or, if you really blow up, a major noodle company. [Yahoo]

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