The ‘lil Trucker

Are you an outdoorsman? Survivalist? Zombie apocalypse enthusiast? All of the above? Well, here’s the coolest multi-tool since the crovel. The ‘lil Trucker ($69 on Kickstarter) has a glass breaker, strap cutter, saw, can opener, hatchet blade, hex wrenches, pry, wedge, hook, wire twist, hammer, nail puller, gas valve wrench, … Read More

ZAPS Survival Grenade

Need something in a survival kit that’s lightweight, convenient, and designed by a marine? Look no further than the ZAPS survival grenade ($70). It contains: one steel shackle,, one spring link (max. load bearing weight 350 lbs.), one compass, one wire saw, three ready-made wire snares with anti-escape swivels for … Read More

Zombie Bells

Remember these kickass Primal Bells? Well, the team who made them is back with a zombie version. Zombie Bells ($40-$400) come in 18-, 36-, 54-, and 72-pound versions (or 0.5-, 1-, 1.5-, and 2-pood versions, for those of you who speak Russian kettle bell). Same basic bell, new cool face. … Read More

The Zombie Apocalypse Sort of Happens

If the zombie apocalypse never happens, we’re fine with that, because we can still happily talk about it and plan for it like it’ll be awesome. But if it does happen and there’s only one zombie, our extensive zombie apocalypse preparations are going to look really silly. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

Ded Talk

American preppers, COD-trained teenagers, shotgun wielding Woody Harrelsons . . . how’s a zombie to survive the human apocalypse? [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

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