Volunteer to Meet Women in Montreal

We won’t tell you how great volunteering is for your community; you already know that. What you may not have considered is that it’s also a terrific way to meet women. While there is sadly no Models Without Borders (we checked), finding a single, civic-minded young lady is still relatively easy. Here’s a roundup of some excellent volunteer opportunities – with a look at the girls you’ll meet along the way.

Montreal Fringe Festival
The Type: Artsy party girls
The Gig: This independent theatre festival is teeming with talent. Help out by setting up for shows or taking performers to venues. Bond with ladies over your mutual disdain for mainstream theatre festivals.

Habitat for Humanity Montreal
The Type: Fit handywomen with heart
The Gig: Give back to the community by building houses for the less fortunate. And, thanks to a plethora of female volunteers who aren’t afraid of getting dirty, perhaps you’ll change your own fortunes as well.

Santropol Roulant

The Type: Hippy, free-lovin’ chicks
The Gig: Feed the hungry by growing your own food, preparing it in the kitchen and delivering meals around the city. Fellow volunteers may include a disturbingly high proportion of vegetarians, but at least you’re meeting women who can cook.

Pop Montreal

The Type: Rock ’n’ roll indie hipsters
The Gig:
Work the doors, help promote or set up and take down sets at Montreal’s wildest music festival. Perks include free passes to shows and access to endless young women who can probably out-drink you.

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