Watch a Coin Roll on a Treadmill for One Hour
[youtube width=”480″][/youtube] Just think: when this is over, you’ll be one hour, one minute and thirty-five seconds closer to going back to work.
[youtube width=”480″][/youtube] Just think: when this is over, you’ll be one hour, one minute and thirty-five seconds closer to going back to work.
For the seventh year in a row, Steve Mikkelson at Atlantis Casino has posted the first MLB over/under odds for the 2013 season. While we aren’t encouraging you to stake little Susie’s college fund on any of this, stat nerd-at-large/gambling non-enthusiast Dave Cameron at Fangraphs has published his take on … Read More
[youtube width=”480″][/youtube] At one point, this technology seemed like an improbable fantasy. Now, it’s a seven-piece iPhone.
So, as anyone with an internet connection probably knows by now, this happened: [youtube width=”480″][/youtube] Which means that this is now happening: Also, 1,000 people may have been injured. Keep up the good work, internet. [Source: Mashable]
A page that’s probably stuck together now. Like the much-derided social media “tool,” Bang Score aims to quantify a BWF user’s sexiness based on the pageviews they’re receiving. Users can then decide whether they’d like to make the score public. Even in its relative infancy, Bang With Friends claims to … Read More