DailyXY — Because One a Day Is Good for You

We at DailyXY have always thought that the ideal way for the modern male to live would be as James Bond, provided that James Bond is played by Cary Grant. We like to imagine that the modern male can be civilized and stylish at the same time as being one serious badass.

In other words, we’re dissatisfied with media that want to present our available lifestyle distractions as a choice of, vapidly, stemware and placemats, and ridiculously, bespoke butterfly knives.

All we’re asking for is a realistic-but-sophisticated life: a life of fine flavours, new ideas and extreme experiences. We’re educated, pragmatic and easily bored.

What to do, then? We send our (a)gents into deepest darkest urbania to find those achievable things that all civilized men quite rationally desire: the funniest women, the fastest cars, the most secret restaurants. Our contributors look for intensity, for whatever is not boring — which is actually slightly more difficult than you’d think.

Good thing we love our jobs.

Our hope is that DailyXY makes your life better, just as it makes ours more challenging. Bigger, stronger, faster, brimming with useful information and topical threads and not-to-be-ignored advice — that’s the goal, here. We want to be your guide to getting the most out of urban life.

Above all, we are trying to transcend being an online city magazine. We embrace the larger social media community. Your reaction to the information and perspective we provide is an integral part of every story. So  please, let us know what you think: Send emails, post comments, “Like” us on Facebook, Tweet us — air your grievances or sing our praises, for everyone to see. We’re all going into this with eyes wide open and (very dry) martini in hand. Cary Grant would have done the same.

Image courtesy of Mark Sebastian.

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