Toronto’s Best Ski Deals

There’s no better antidote for urban ennui than a winter skiing getaway. But if the Rockies are out of reach, you’ve got to think locally. And though Ontario isn’t known for its mountains, there are some great deals to be had.

Blue Mountain
Best Deal:
$39 Coors Light Ski Spree
With a mountain-worthy après ski scene, Blue is more than just the region’s biggest ski destination. This week, $39 gets you a day-and-night lift ticket, retail discounts and two-for-one appetizers at Jozo’s.

Mount St. Louis Moonstone
Best Deal:
$350 eight-pack
Attenion, snow junkies: MSLM is only about an hour away, and it’s nearly as built-up as Blue. Their eight-pack is the best option for frequent skiers.

Horseshoe Resort
Best Deal:
$40 Skiing & Pasta
With 23 runs and state-of-the-art snowmaking facilities, Horseshoe is an excellent place to work up a big appetite. Fortunately, with the Sunday night lift ticket (3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.), the resort will sate that hunger with all-you-can-eat pasta at Crazy Horse.

Devil’s Elbow
Best Deal:
$43.36 Midweek Rate
Blessed with extra vacation time? Get to the Kawarthas during the workweek, and the regular three-hour rate will let you own the mountain all day.

Centennial and Earl Bales Parks
Best Deal:
$43 Discover Package
You’ve got to leave town for half-decent skiing, but if you’re starting from scratch, you’ll be spending the day on your butt anyway. These locals parks’ beginner-friendly packages compensate for their diminutive hills with this diminutively priced rental, lessons and a lift pass package.

Image courtesy of simpologist.

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