
Here’s one pain in the butt thing about riding a bike: what to do with your helmet. We don’t always have a bag big enough to store it, we’re not always going somewhere  with adequate helmet storage (like the office), and we’d rather not carry it around everywhere, like a … Read More


Want to keep an eye on your house when you’re not around? This sweet new camera can help. Netatmo ($TDB) doesn’t just alert your phone whenever it detects motion. It can actually recognise faces, so you can have it send you texts, when, say, the kids get home, and video … Read More

Beer Glass Froster

We don’t have room in our freezer for a bar’s worth of glasses, so that’s why we’re investing in a beer glass froster ($400). Need a glass frosty in just ten seconds? No problem—a cloud of CO2 will have you sorted in no time. 

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