How Long for a Hiring Decision?

Problem A lot of people like the idea of making snap decisions in hiring, and a lot of hiring advice tells job seekers that interviewers make decisions within minutes. Solution Snap decisions do happen, but they’re uncommon—a new study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology says it’s … Read More

Stan Lee’s Rants VII

Commercials get in the way of a good story! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] Neckties are barbaric! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] Why do I have to wait for the doctor! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] Small talk is stupid! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] Why aren’t there winter blockbusters! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] All car commercials are the same! [youtube width=”640″][/youtube] How can … Read More

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