FishHunter Sonar

Here’s the trend: if it’s a gadget, pretty soon there’s going to be a version that links to a smartphone in some way, shape, or form. Case in point: the FishHunter Sonar ($180), which we’re sure to use as soon as the last of this cold clears up. It detects … Read More


How do you meet your Kickstarter goal in two days? Offer people a backup smartphone battery that also fits in a wallet, that’s how. The TravelCard ($40), which is the backup battery we’ve so sorely needed, is made of aluminium, holds enough juice to let you talk for five hours, … Read More

Why Smartphone Video Looks Flickery in Europe

If you’ve ever seen night-time footage shot on a smartphone in Europe, you may have noticed an odd flickering effect that doesn’t seem to happen in Canada. The reason why has to do with frequencies, power grids, and American designers. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

Smartphone Radiation Meter

Suspect that your neighbourhood nuclear power plant has gone belly-up and those dastardly suits in charge have absconded with the nation’s bullion to their Diefenbunkers? Well, that’s a bizarrely specific, historically informed, and slightly alarmist concern to have, but as masters of Fallout 3, we have to respect it. If … Read More

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