The Leave-Behind: Women Never Forget

She’s just walked out your door, and as you smile to yourself, recollecting some highlights from last night, you notice something on your bedside table: She’s left behind a piece of jewelry. Before you pick up the phone to text her, consider this: The leave-behind is no accident. Rather, it’s part of our subtle, sneaky plan to ensure we see you again. Here, what an item left behind really means.

1. She’s into you.
In case you doubted it for a split second, the leave-behind is a sure sign that she likes you. She could be really forgetful, but that’s unlikely. And if she doesn’t hear from you, for whatever reason, she has an excuse to contact you without the fear of looking desperate.

2. She’s marking her territory.
I’ve known women to leave coats, hair elastics, high heels, even conditioner for blonde hair at guys’ places. They do this not only to offer guys a reminder, but also as a warning to any girls he might bring home, so they know about us. Possessive, I know, but in an early, uncertain stage of the relationship, it offers us an admittedly unwarranted sense of security.

3. It’s getting serious.
If she’s left tampons at your place, that’s a sign that you are a couple – or, at least, borderline. (Congrats!) Tampons are taboo, and we’ll only leave them behind if we’re truly comfortable. If you aren’t on the same page, this leave-behind may cue a need for the dreaded talk.

Image courtesy of hmmlargeart.


6 thoughts on “The Leave-Behind: Women Never Forget”

  1. So, what you’re saying is that women are incapable of honesty, and instead, need to play oblique little mind games ? Good to know, we guys will make sure that we throw out such ‘leave behinds’, and refuse to take the calls of such women.
    Really, if you like a guy, SAY SO. In clear, actual words. Game playing is for kindergarteners.

  2. Nice one, Andre! Never thought of it like tat. Personally, unless it’s clothing, if a girl leaves something behind and doesn’t call back, I will happily re-gift it to the next girl who dates me. Especially if it’s jewelry. After all, it’s the thought that counts, right?

  3. Nice one, Andre! Never thought of it like that. Personally, unless it’s clothing, if a girl leaves something behind and doesn’t call back, I will happily re-gift it to the next girl who dates me. (Especially if it’s jewelry!) After all, it’s the thought that counts, right?

  4. What can I say, folks, I am but A Force For Good In My Times(tm). 🙂

    It reminds me of the old joke: ‘I can’t find a real guy to date’, pouted the girl whose eyelashes, lips and boobs were all fake…

    On 2), really, if one girl leaves behind a portable item, how hard is it for the guy whose apartment it is to move it to some place else, or out of the apartment altogether ? Jen really didn’t think this out for even a second.

    On 3), the only dreaded talk is the one that never ends. As Judge Judy says, you have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Use the mouth less and the ears more, girls.

    -A little less talk, a little more shut the heck up.- Daniel Jackson to Valla, Stargate SG-1.

  5. sorry to burst your bubble, but for number 1 i forget things all the time… its dark, its late, im tired and i dont remember to look to see where everything was thrown in a rush…
    number 2 is just all wrong. marking my territory? thats just silly, you guys have horrible choices in shampoo and my pretty hair needs special shampoo. number 3 is right though. tampons most definitely means you have a gf.

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