How does earnings season affect share prices?

Keeping abreast of global news and the latest information about the companies you invest in is essential for good trading results, as it allows you to anticipate higher volatility while taking advantage of interesting trading opportunities as may arise. When you invest in stocks, the earnings season is a time … Read More


A Dude’s Adventure in the French Alps

The French Alps isn’t just for skiing – though it is the world’s premiere ski destination. It can also be a place where you can enjoy a variety of spring/summer/fall fun, with the backdrop of stunning mountains. Imagine yourself hiking in pristine forest, pedalling an electric bike through the steep … Read More

Self-Driving Cars Will Likely Drive Up Traffic Levels, Study Finds

The benefits of self-driving cars include safer roads, less energy consumption, and a decrease in pollution levels. However, the convenience of autonomous vehicles may actually increase the time people spend in their vehicles, which will affect traffic levels. According to researchers from the University of Michigan, the AV benefits “could … Read More

Avoid Using These Rock Band & Musician-Inspired Passwords

Security experts are once again reminding people not to use basic Internet passwords, and that includes the names of your favorite bands and musicians. Some of the most-hacked music-related passwords are “blink182,” “metallica,” “slipknot,” “eminem” and “50cent,” according to the U.K. government’s National Cyber Security Center. NCSC recently released a … Read More

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