Walking Eases Depression

Suffering in silence? Well, you can ease the suffering but keep the silence, if you must, by walking.

A study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine has found that exercise is linked with a reduction in depression. Researchers analysed data from over 1,900 people in their fifties who had mental health check-ups in 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. They found that people who started exercising between check-ups had a solid reduction in the symptoms of depression—they socialised more, felt better emotional, and weren’t as socially limited. They saw physical benefits too (less pain, better health), but the psychological benefits were more significant.

So, how much exercise is helpful? Either 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise (swimming, golf, softball, etc.), or 200 minutes of just walking. We suggest doubling down on your treatment, and walk to a pub—as socialising in pubs has been shown to improve men’s mental health too.



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