Bookshelf: Annabel

1968, Croydon Harbour, Labrador—remote as anywhere in modern Canada, I suppose. Remoteness is perhaps the defining mood of Annabel, so named for two of the book’s characters who are scarcely there for much of its pages. Our focus is Wayne, a child born intersex at a place and time where … Read More

Returning to the Temple

I’m standing in line at the security desk at the CBC. A short, balding producer arrives to collect a short, balding visitor who stands in front of me. “Are we going to the same place as before?” the guest asks. “No,” the producer replies, “Ever since hockey’s been back, that … Read More

Toronto Under the Gun

By now, you’ve probably heard that about 70% of guns used in crimes in Toronto come from the US. The CBC caught up with an ATF agent well acquainted with the subject who said some interesting things on the radio. Not “Oh, we’re sorry, we’ll fix the problem,” but… interesting. … Read More

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