To Be a Dad

Sorry to get a bit heavy on you hear, but we’re going to talk about a pretty tough job here: being a dad. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

Get Your Shots

We were going to discuss needles; now that the baby is out of earshot, let us do so. A baby requires three sets of injections – three combo shots for diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and the bacterium that causes meningitis – within the first six months of life. The … Read More

Enter the Baby Zone

My apartment is now one of those apartments. The baby apartment. I always swore it wouldn’t happen. But there is crap everywhere: a bassinet and a rocking chair in the living room, a springy jumper thing hanging from the door frame, blankets and puke-crusted washcloths on every surface, and something … Read More

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