Elvis Lives!

This beer’s so awesome that a whole bunch of celebrities faked their deaths and now hang out on a weird island drinking Bavaria Radler. Or something. [youtube width=”640″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DVf4TifNkg[/youtube]

5 Steps to Breaking Up With Dignity

The holidays are around the corner, which also means you—yes, you, the guy in a so-called happy relationship—are getting ready to give the old heave-ho to your girlfriend. Don’t lie to me. According to a super duper scientific-ish chart (its data was collected via Facebook statuses, but I’m sure it’s … Read More

Iran’s Most Notorious Spymaster, Amazon, and the Rise of Allergies

The Rise of Food Allergies and First World Problems – Pacific Standard “If you have spent any time inside an elementary school classroom over the past few years, you have likely noticed signs banning peanuts or other types of food. The bans, which can apply to individual classrooms or entire … Read More

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