2 Crazy Broads Quit Sugar

Honestly, this nails about 99% of that Oprah inspired food bullshit we hear about at every dinner party with one of those gluten-free assholes. Comedy Central, how is the Katering Show not a part of your line-up?

Mexican Chocolate Sugar

What precisely goes into Mexican chocolate sugar ($18)? Well, there’s organic Brazilian cane sugar, orange cacao, chili, cinnamon, and allspice. We’re going to put ours in a daiquiri (or daiquiri-like beverage), but you could probably put it on pancakes, in chili, on barbecue, and all kinds of places. Oh, and … Read More

Japanese Skull Sugar

Need slightly ghoulish, slightly cartoonish sugar cubes that aren’t cubes? Here you go: wasanbon ($23) skulls make of Japanese sugar. We’re told it’s fine-grained sugar from a special traditional prefecture or whatever, as many premium Japanese things tend to be. You get nine white skulls and nine black ones—the black … Read More

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