Standard Apparel Summer Preview

Finally, we’re free from winter’s chilly grip. So now what?

We discard the layers and stomp out of our homes in search of summer. Our eyes, deprived of eye candy for months, will feast. Already I’ve spotted several women wearing too-short shorts. It’s too early for that nonsense—you gotta ease into it—but I applaud their courage.

You and I need to reassess our wardrobes. Did moths chew through your favourite polo? Is your park blanket stained and diseased with some foul funk? Standard Apparel can help. Here are a few selections you should ogle.

Inside every man is a casual yachter

Slip on these comfy shoes, handmade in Spain, and adopt the attitude of the leisure class. It’s what I plan to do this summer while strolling around San Sebastian and Barcelona in the days before my best friends’ wedding. You don’t have to go as far. Enjoy the Rivieras Classic ($95) wherever you can find warmth. Take them to a cottage in Muskoka, where they’ll be at home on a boat or a deck. Head to the beach, where they’ll look good lounging on a blanket.
Available at Schad

Sprawl out with style

Speaking of blankets, nothing says summer like claiming a patch of grass in your favourite park. I’m at home in Toronto’s Trinity Bellwoods but I also love the sound of Vancouver’s Dude Chilling Park. The only problem: the grass makes my skin itch. Unfurl the HBC Point Blanket ($395) and tell your friends to hunt for those classic colours. When they find you, remind them to keep their red wine inside their glass. These blankets don’t come cheap.
Available at Veranda and Muskoka Classic Cottage Emporium

Pique interest with this classic polo and its gingham twist

One glimpse of the laurel wreath and you know it’s Fred Perry. This summer, look for the laurel on front pocket of the Gingham Trim Pique Shirt ($105)—available in Indigo Oxford or Marl Grey. The three-colour gingham adds a nice splash of colour to the breast pocket and the collar, vaulting this piece above other polos.
Available at J2 in British Columbia

Thursday nights are for softball

Opening day for beer-league softballs draws near. For me, Thursday evening is when the magic happens. Although I paid for a uniform, some days you want to relive your protest phase and go “No Logo”. For those occasions, pull on this 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Tee ($79) from the Champion/Todd Snyder collaboration (I wrote about the collaboration in the spring preview). It comes in Vintage White/Black, but my money’s on the Antique Grey mix and Nantucket Red.
Available at Brooklyn Clothing Co. in Vancouver and Calgary

Pierre Hamilton is a freelance writer from Toronto, where some of his best friends describe him as an acquired taste. He enjoys bourbon and scotch, but craves craft beer, overproof Jamaican rum and great non-fiction. He has a very limited style knowledge but knows what he likes. He also produces a monthly music podcast called Sound Considerations. Follow him, but not too closely, on Twitter.


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