Old People, Meet Ultra-Violence

[youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGEvBshZTtQ[/youtube] Senior citizens must hate violent cartoon parodies like Happy Tree Friends, right? Actually, considering what they got away with in Road Runner and Popeye, this isn’t much of a stretch. The main difference? Racism, mostly. [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8D93Awa434[/youtube] Lots and lots of racism.

The Toronto Comic Arts Festival

The great news about this week’s Toronto Comic Arts Festival is that its organizers think about comics as a literary and artistic medium; not as an excuse to wear homemade costumes. The result is a weeklong festival that attracts everyone from hipsters to artists to — get this — women. … Read More

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