Yama Cold Brew Drip Tower

Morally opposed to instant coffee? Well, here’s it’s exact opposite: cold-brewed coffee. The Yama Cold Brew Drip Tower ($250) takes a staggering eight hours to make coffee, but when it’s through, you’ll have thirty-two ounces of something much mellower than regularly brewed coffee. The number of steps required for this … Read More

Krups Barista

No more is your barista a sarcastic art history major who grumbles when you ask for a large instead of that venti nonsense. No, your barista is now sleek, two-tone black and silver machine. The Krups Barista ($3,000) is the coffee machine that Q is going to install in James … Read More

The Chemical Composition of Your Coffee

Most of us are vaguely aware that coffee has a bunch of helpful compounds in it that are healthy in some what, but we’re unclear on what compounds and what exactly they do. Except caffeine, which helps you stay awake when boredom might otherwise render you incapacitated. Thanks, coffee. [youtube … Read More

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