Tanks for Nothing

Remember when Arnie was auctioning off the chance to crush things in his tank? Well, some guy won. And then he got more than he bargained for . . . [youtube width=”640″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbDbDzaDH-o[/youtube]

Will It Crush?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is our friggin’ hero, and in case he isn’t yours, here he is crushing things in his tank. Would you like to crush things in his tank? Go donate to his cause. Yep, that’s all it takes.   [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4lnVx2BAYk[/youtube]

Shooting Skeet with a Tank

We suspect that the loader is wearing a bow tie because they suit any occasion. [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3npF3e2oZQ[/youtube] ___ Photo courtesy of Matthew Yglesias. 

How to Get Rich, Removing Middle Management, and the Rockstar who Became a Soldier

How the Rich Got Rich – Inc “Like to emulate the success of others? If wealth is what you’re after, look to an unconventional source for tips: the IRS.” The Rock ‘n Roll Casualty Who Became a War Hero – the New York Times “Jason Everman has the unique distinction … Read More

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