
Ever wished that your life had a GTA-esqe score card, where you could look up stats like miles walked, money spent, and cars jumped? Well, that’s what new iPhone app Reporter ($4) does, and it can show you trends over time. Though you’re more likely to record coffees consumed rather … Read More

Oops, You’ve Got Cancer!

You’re going to be shocked to hear this, but those smartphone apps that are supposed to diagnose cancer sometimes miss cancer. A new study in JAMA Dermatology tested a bunch of apps that purport to diagnose melanomas, and they found that the best app misfired for a quarter of the diagnoses. Also, … Read More

Can You Outwork Brandon Prust?

Professional athletes are the pinnacle of physical fitness and athletic prowess. Sports fans love handing out divine, prophetic sounding nicknames like “King James” and “The Great One,” but when asked (and they are always asked) athletes usually attribute their success to the same thing: their workouts. Noting a cultural fetish … Read More

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