Marijuana Grow Op

Cannabis Cultivation Has Drastic Environmental Risks

With plans to legalize marijuana before this July in Canada, there have been recent discussions about what cannabis production will look like and how it will affect the environment. Because marijuana plants require a lot of water and artificial light when grown indoors, they consume a lot of energy. Naturally, there … Read More

Federal Marijuana Legislation Nears Finishing Gate

Bill C-45 (an Act respecting cannabis and to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Criminal Code and other Acts), aka Canada’s proposed Cannabis Act, passed a major hurdle on November 27th — the third and final reading in Canada’s House of Commons and a send-off to Canada’s Senate for … Read More

Nearly Half of Canadians Are Curious About Edible Cannabis

Almost half of Canadians are interested in trying edible marijuana products after the drug is made legal for recreational use in 2018, according to a new study. Researchers at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management surveyed 1,087 people, and 46 percent said they would try marijuana-infused products, including brownies, muffins, oils, … Read More

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