
Some people like buying new stuff when their old stuff breaks or wears out. Not us. We like fixing our old stuff, thanks, and if you feel the same way, check out ifixit. ifixit is sort of a one-stop shop for people who want to fix their old electronics and … Read More

DIY Chairs from Washing Machine Parts

It’s the classic urbanite dilemma: you have a washing machine that you don’t need anymore, but you need a chair, and fortunately you’re pretty handy with both tools and inferring instructions from quirky stop-motion animated videos. If that’s the case, you’re experiencing uncanny serendipity and industrial designer Antonina has something … Read More

DIY Bacon

Give a man some bacon and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to make bacon and he’ll die—either because it takes several days to make bacon, or because eating that much bacon will cause a massive cardiac arrest and something medical professionals call “exploding aorta syndrome.” [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYH3Z0Hp1Wo[/youtube]

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