Want A Healthier Lifestyle? You May Have To Move

While there are no tricks to weight loss, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of living a healthy lifestyle. One of these is living close to a gym, pool, or playing field and far away from fast food outlets. A new study published in Lancet … Read More

The Insanity of Fast Food Twitter Accounts

While the recent hack of Burger King’s Twitter feed to make it appear as if some malicious entity at McDonald’s was in the midst of a hostile takeover garnered most of the (and it’s sad this is what passes for newsworthy in 2013) “headlines,” the imbroglio glossed over a far … Read More

McD’s Goat Cheese Massacre

The most curious part of this ad is that it features McDonald’s patrons who can run more than five feet. [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDNkHVElNYs[/youtube]

From Burger Flipper to CEO

Former McDonald’s president Fred Turner started out in the kitchen with the company, but is it still possible to rise from the shop floor to the C-suite? There are still some examples out there, but they’re as rare as an intact training budget. [Can you still go from burger flipper … Read More

State of the McUnion

The bad news, for the clown, is that McDonald’s in Bolivia has failed and they’re shutting their doors. The good news, we guess, is that McDonald’s Australia will be temporarily renaming restaurants Macca’s, because that’s what most Aussies call it anyway, owing to their national obsession with nicknames.

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