Marijuana Grow Op

Cannabis Cultivation Has Drastic Environmental Risks

With plans to legalize marijuana before this July in Canada, there have been recent discussions about what cannabis production will look like and how it will affect the environment. Because marijuana plants require a lot of water and artificial light when grown indoors, they consume a lot of energy. Naturally, there … Read More

Fisherman Finds Lobster With Disturbing “Tattoo” On Its Claw

Fisherman Karissa Lindstrand was banding lobster claws off Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, in November when she spotted something unusual on one of the crustacean’s claws—a popular blue and red logo. Upon closer inspection, she discovered it was a Pepsi logo. “I can’t say how he got it on,” Lindstrand … Read More

Human Existence Expires in 600 Years

When Dr. Stephen Hawking, the famous theoretical physicist (and the icon of the wildly popular TV show “Big Bang Theory”) pronounced earlier in November at a summit in China that the human species had 600 years to survive on planet Earth, his prediction was met with a collective head-scratching.  It … Read More

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